1. All green fees are sold under the condition that you keep pace with the group in front of you. Groups who do not observe expected pace of play guidelines may be issued rain checks in lieu of further play on that round.
  2. Players are expected to play 9 holes in two hours and complete 18 holes in four hours. If unable to keep up with the group ahead, allow faster groups to play through.
  3. Children under 10 are not allowed on the course unless they are playing a round of golf.
  4. Each player must have a set of clubs and a playing ticket from the pro shop.
  5. Singles and twosomes have no right away and are not allowed during busy playing times. The pro shop will endeavor to place all players into groups of three or four.
  6. Groups of five are not allowed to play on weekends or holidays until after 12 noon, except by special allowance from the pro shop.
  7. OUT OF BOUNDS: Outside of white stakes bounding the course. Holes #9 & #18-the cart path behind the greens and the practice nearest the building are immovable obstructions. Drop in designated area beside #18 green. Parking lot behind #18 is O.B. defined by chain link fence and white lines.
  8. Hole #2 – Ball striking telephone pole or telephone wires, must be replayed. No penalty.
  9. RAILROAD TRACK AREA – area defined as an immovable obstruction. Free relief – Nearest point of relief no nearer the hole plus one club length & drop.
  10. Black stakes around maintenance shop area designate free drop. Player must drop ball in designated drop area.
  11. Protective screens on Holes #5, #7, #8 & #13 treated as immovable obstructions, relief allowed for stance or swing only.



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